We mentioned a few months ago, in a previous blog post, how hard outdoor AKA out-of-home advertising has to work to engage with consumers. This is mainly because of the increased competition from the online world of digital advertising and the way in which consumers use technology. 

Technology is, as we all know, constantly evolving and outdoor advertising must keep up. Creative teams definitely have to become smarter and more effective at delivering key messages to the consumers. Strategically placed creative billboard messages can really help engage and build the brand reputation just as effectively as offline. Engagement is even more evident in some instances, where the target audience actually get to consume the product! 

Check out this fantastic piece of outdoor advertising from Carlsberg. We have to agree, it's pretty darn good and it's making us thirsty!


And he's fully engaged… It's not all about digital!

If you're keen to see how outdoor advertising can work for your company, give us a call, we'd love to show you how effective it can be!