Happy April Fool's Day!

To celebrate this strange little day, which became popular in the 19th century allegedly, we have collated our favourite online 'pranks' for you. 

As normal, we started our computers this morning, headed to Google for an update on what's happening in cyber space. Of course, it's all about April Fool's online this morning and we came across this image, if you type 'com.google' into your web browser, this is what appears…

Google tend to go all out for April Fool's Day with last year recreating Pokemon characters to feature on Google Maps, and this year, it's even introduced Pac Mac to munch his way through the streets. Just click on the Pac Man on the bottom left of your Google Maps screen.

This Google Panda Product Launch from Google Japan HQ is another brilliant prank…

Amazon has gone back in time for the day to their 1999 website design, this really is a joke!


















Another strange one we have seen from Amazon is the Amazon Dash button which, with the press of a button, re-orders any product you may have run out of, so you never run out again… This was released on the 31st of March, which isn't quite 1st of April, so we're unsure whether this one is a prank or not but seemingly an Amazon spokesperson has confirmed it's actually real. Maybe we'll wait until tomorrow to confirm this, but this wonder button sure would come in handy!

Samsung have today released the Samsung Galaxy BLADE Edge phone which doubles up as a cleaver. Just what you've always needed, right?










Jeremy Clarkson has gone all eco friendly on us and joins the hunt for fossil fuel development, check out the article here. 

And finally…

Love them or loath them, the man bun 'clip-on' hair piece is now available to all good men everywhere! 










Don't forget to tweet us your favourite prank at @ArdmoreAdv or send it to us on Facebook.

Happy Pranking!